Well-groomed, thick hair makes anyone look beautiful. Unfortunately, keeping your locks that way is a challenge. Stresses, irregular nutrition, and even bad weather can significantly worsen the condition of your hair.
Often bad conditions cause the hair follicles to be undernourished. In this case, they perform less and less well and “fall asleep” altogether. To wake up the follicles requires a complex treatment. Let’s tell you what you need to revitalize thinned hair, understand the salon and home care methods.
Causes of weakening of the hair follicles
One hair grows on average three to five years. A miniature organ, the hair follicle, is responsible for its growth and health. This is where hair is nucleated, develops, and later receives its nourishment. The hair follicle is capable of “bearing” twenty to thirty hairs in a lifetime. This is enough to always have a great hairdo.
In reality, of course, it’s not that simple. The vital activity of the hair follicle is directly related to the functioning of the sebaceous glands and blood circulation. If the follicle receives less nutrients, it gradually becomes thin and, consequently, weakens. As a result, the organ produces weak hair, and then stops its work.
Now it will take a lot of effort to wake it up, so the best option is to prevent the problem before it occurs. This can be helped by specialized vitamin and mineral complexes, proper nutrition, good care and periodic scalp massage.
If you do find that your hair has lost its lushness, it’s time to treat it more vigorously.
Salon Treatments
Professional cosmetologists will help to awaken hair follicles. Today, salons offer beauties many effective procedures to restore curls.
The most popular:
Mesotherapy is a method of treatment that involves the injection of useful substances under the skin of the scalp. The procedure is suitable for all hair types. It allows you to normalize the sebaceous glands, stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the curls and prolong the stage of their growth.
Ozone therapy is a rather expensive, but very effective option. Ozone-containing preparations penetrate into all cells of the scalp and provide deep recovery.
Darsonvalization – the scalp is affected by pulsed currents of high frequency, they irritate the nerve endings, causing small spasms. Thus, the correct functioning of blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands is restored.
normalize the work of the follicles;
stimulate the growth of new hair and increase the active growth phase;
increase the density of the hair;
stop the loss of strands.
Vitamin and mineral courses
Taking a variety of vitamins, macro and micronutrients will also help to awaken the hair follicles. It is more convenient and easier to choose a ready-made complex, designed specifically to enhance hair growth.
Head massage
The massage is an excellent preventive and therapeutic procedure. It increases blood circulation, thus helping the follicles to get the necessary oxygen and nutrients for healthy functioning. In combination with other therapies, massage “wakes up” dormant hair follicles, so gradually the hair becomes thicker, and the curls themselves gain vitality and shine.
The procedure does not require a large expenditure of time. It is enough to give daily scalp massage for about fifteen minutes, you will soon notice the first results. The massage should include pressing, circular movements, twitching and longitudinal movements. It is best to perform the procedure before going to bed. It is useful to put essential oil on your fingers beforehand, but make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction.
Stimulating Masks
When treating with masks, it is better to give up shampoos containing silicone for a while, as they make it difficult for the active elements to penetrate into the skin.
Popular recipes:
Mask with tincture of pepper. You will need: two tablespoons each of pepper tincture and sea buckthorn oil, as well as 5-8 drops of bay essential oil. Mix the ingredients, and then apply the mask to your hair and leave it for a couple of hours. For the best effect, you should insulate your hair with a shower cap and a towel.
Mustard mask. Take the following ingredients: two tablespoons of mustard oil and the same amount of herbal broth, a spoonful of mustard powder and 5-8 drops of essential oil (rosemary, orange or lemon). Mix the powder with the decoction, add heated mustard oil and then essential oil, mix. Gently apply the mask along the strokes, keep it warm. Keep for about an hour.
Mask with honey and cognac. Take one tablespoon each of honey, cognac and olive oil and one egg yolk. Mix everything in a glass bowl. Then apply to your scalp. Wrap your hair and hold for up to an hour. Now rinse your hair well and treat it with a balm.
In terms of chemistry, sulfates are salts of sulfuric acid. When they interact with water, they form a thick foam that effectively washes away sebum, sweat, dust and other impurities. Sulfates also give the shampoo a convenient thick consistency.
The first sulfate shampoo was released by Procter & Gamble in 1930. Since then, these chemical compounds are added to a variety of hair and body care products: shampoo, shower gels, liquid soaps and others.
The most common types of sulfates found in detergents are the following:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). This compound, classified as a surfactant, is most commonly used in shampoos and other detergents. It is low cost and capable of producing a large amount of thick foam. Danish scientists have proven that concentrations above 2% in cosmetics can cause skin irritation and redness, itching, dryness and hair breakage.
Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). The second most common sulfate that is added to cosmetics. Unlike SLS, sodium laureth sulfate has a milder effect on the scalp and hair, but it is not harmless. This substance can also provoke irritation, itching and other problems.
Ammonium lauryl (ALS) and laureth (ALES) sulfates. These sulfates dissolve quickly in water and foam well, but are less commonly used in the cosmetic industry than SLS and SLES.
According to recent studies, ammonium sulfate molecules easily penetrate the skin barrier. However, once in the body, they have a carcinogenic effect.
Shampoo manufacturers often do not write the full names of sulfates, and encrypt them behind the acronyms listed above. So carefully read the composition of detergents before you buy the product.
How harmful are sulfates?
Speaking about the varieties of sulfates, we have already touched upon some aspects of their impact on the body. But let us dwell on them in more detail.
The first thing that draws attention is the irritant effect of sulfates on the skin and mucous membranes. The consequences are not the most pleasant: redness, itching, dryness, flaking, dandruff.
In addition, sulfates have a negative effect on the structure of the hair. This is manifested by hair loss, breakage, loss of luster.
But this is not all. Penetrating into the body through the skin, sulfates enter the bloodstream. That’s because sulfates can be carcinogenic. In other words, they increase the risk of cancer.
Scientists are inclined to believe that for a pronounced carcinogenic effect, a high concentration of these chemical compounds in the blood is needed, which is hardly provided by washing hair with sulfate shampoo. However, why increase the risk?
There is an argument that the dangers of sulfates are exaggerated, since the scalp is in contact with the shampoo for only a few seconds, and not enough time to cause irritation. But sulfates leave an invisible film on the skin and hair. That’s the film that’s responsible for all of these unpleasant side effects.
What are the benefits of sulfates?
Sulfuric acid compounds do not have a positive effect on the body. However, they do have some advantages.
First, the low cost. Shampoos and other detergents with sulfates are much cheaper than their sulfate-free counterparts.
Secondly, the ability to form a thick foam. Even a few drops of sulfate shampoo is enough to cover the hair in a cloud of airy foam that easily washes away all the dirt. Sulfate-free shampoos foam much less, which increases the consumption of cosmetics.
Thirdly, shampoos with sulfates are more effective in cleaning hair from silicones of different hair care and styling products.
These are the features that make sulfate-free shampoos popular among manufacturers and consumers.
Features of sulfate-free shampoos
Today the cosmetic market offers a wide range of sulfate-free shampoos. They can replace our usual products with sulfates, but you need to know the peculiarities of their application.
Less economical consumption. Sulfate-free shampoos are more liquid than products containing sulfuric acid. This property greatly increases the consumption of the product. In addition, cosmetics without sulfates are more expensive than conventional shampoo.
A small amount of foam. Shampoos, which do not include sulfates, almost no foam. And so many people have the impression that they do not wash the hair. But this is not the case. In fact, sulfate-free shampoos do their job well. By the way, to increase the foaminess, you just need to thoroughly wet the hair and dilute the shampoo in a small amount of water.
Change in the condition of the hair. When you switch from conventional shampoos to sulfate-free shampoos, the condition of the hair first deteriorates. The usual shine and volume disappear, hair becomes more dull and lifeless. But do not be afraid of these changes. Within 2-4 weeks, the scalp and hair will rebuild, to get used to the new cleanser. My hair will quickly return to its normal state. And after 2-3 weeks you will notice that the hair has become more lively, shiny and strong, and the previous volume has returned.
Increased color fastness. Shampoos with sulfates open the scales of hair, so the dye is washed out quickly. Sulfate-free products do not have this effect, so it is recommended to use them for dyed and toned, hair.
Preservation of keratin. Shampoos with sulfates should not be used by those who have had keratin hair straightening. They wash out the substances that straighten the hair, so the effect of the procedure comes to naught in 2-3 months. Sulfate-free detergents allow you to keep your hair straight for much longer.
Hair smoothing. While shampoos with sulfates lift scales of hair, agents without them do not have such an effect. Therefore, after using sulfate-free cosmetics hair does not frizz and looks smoother.
We should not forget that sulfate-free shampoos are characterized by a mild detergent action. Therefore, they are not always suitable for oily hair. The solution is simple: you need to alternate cosmetics with and without sulfates. Thanks to this trick, you will reduce the harmful effects of sulfuric acid salts, but at the same time keep your hair clean and neat.
It is also necessary to alternate sulfate and sulfate-free shampoos for those who occasionally use hair products with silicones. In this case, it is enough to use products with sulfates only once a week.
There is one more trick. To wash silicones from hair and scalp will help peeling. For example, you can take fine salt and rub it into the hair roots and scalp once a week. The fine abrasive particles will mechanically remove the silicone film. The rest of the time you can wash your hair with any sulfate-free shampoo.
What else should I look for when choosing a shampoo?
Sulfates are not the only harmful substances. Parabens are no less dangerous to health, for example.
These chemicals are added to cosmetics in order to extend its shelf life. In turn, they can accumulate in the cells of the body and cause various adverse health effects: allergies, scalp irritation, dandruff, hair loss and breakage.
In addition, high concentrations of parabens have a carcinogenic effect. Buying shampoos that do not contain these substances, you protect yourself from unnecessary risk.
Also, pay attention to the content of dyes and fragrances. These substances have no effect on the detergent properties of shampoo, but they often cause an allergic reaction and scalp irritation.
Carefully read the contents of cosmetics before buying and try to choose products labeled with a certificate of environmental safety. And then you’ll be sure that your hair and scalp are getting proper care.
It would seem – what wisdom can there be in such a simple procedure as taking a shower? It turns out that most people, including you and me, very often make common mistakes – and then are surprised by the appearance of irritation and dermatitis. Experts say that if you follow a few fairly simple rules and shower properly, most problems can be avoided.
Never use hot water in the shower
Lying in hot bath water is always nice – it relaxes the muscles and clears the mind. But a shower is another matter. In the case of a bath, the water warms the skin but does not strip it of its important natural protective layer, while the pressure jets of water wash it away and destroy it. The result of washing away the lipid barrier is dryness, various types of flaking and irritation. Then we rub vigorously with a towel – and the skin is left completely defenseless.
The right thing to do is to make the water temperature barely warm, to the point where the body does not feel the difference. And if you try to take control of yourself and wash with cool water in general – then you can also take the procedure of hardening, which is very good for the body in general.
Don’t take long showers
If you use a shower gel or any other cleansing foam, there is no need to spend too much time in the shower: five minutes is more than enough. Just get in, soap up and rinse your body with not too hot water and you’re good to go. In this case the skin does not have time to lose too much moisture – no matter how paradoxical it may sound in the case of the water procedure – to deform and get a temperature shock.
An obvious bonus is that in this case, water is also saved, which in itself is not a bad thing. And people at home will stop impatiently jumping at the door waiting for their turn, and there will be more time for morning pickup.
No need to wash with soap every time
Even our grandmothers assured us that squeaky body and hair – a sign of a quality wash, but this is not true at all. Such a manifestation, on the contrary, means that the skin is completely dehydrated, deprived of its natural protective coating – therefore, infections and sunlight penetrate it faster. There is only one way out – use the most gentle and moisturizing means for the shower and a generous layer of nourishing cream to moisturize the body after each session.
No need to shower twice a day
Unless, of course, we’re talking about miners, strength-training instructors at fitness clubs or anyone whose professional activity is somehow connected with excessive sweating or working in a dirty environment, we tend to exaggerate how dirty your body is.
If you shower in the evening with a gel, in the morning it is enough just to rinse with cool water – this will be enough to finally wake up and cheer up. Sponges and foaming products are completely unnecessary.
No need to use a washcloth
Dermatologists all over the world are unanimous – loofahs carry a lot more dangers than we can imagine even in our worst nightmares. Firstly, there is no point in rubbing your hands and kneading yourself every day, and more than once, you just need to wash with the palms of your hands. Procedures for exfoliating keratinized skin particles is best done once or twice a week with a mild exfoliant scrub, this is enough.
The second reason to immediately and permanently refuse to use a washcloth is that millions of bacteria accumulate in it and on its surface, which actively reproduce in a warm, moist environment – and some of them are very dangerous for humans. In other words, there is not so much cleaning as contamination – no one makes a complete disinfection of this object before each use, right?
Do not use heavily scented products
Yes, we choose them specifically for the smell – but there are many other ways to aromatherapy, even in the bathroom while taking a shower you can light a candle with your favorite scent, for example, or even combine such a pleasure with a massage session.
The fact is that the shower cosmetics with a too strong scent is often too aggressive for the skin – often in this way they camouflage the shortcomings of low-quality ingredients in the composition. It is best to choose neutral gels or mild soaps, and inhale fragrances by any other means.
The second point is purely psychological: the habit of inhaling the favorite fragrance makes us make the same purchase over and over again, even if the cosmetic properties of the product are far from the best quality, and in the shower in the case of such a fragrant gel we tend to spend much more time.
Our body is built in such a way that it requires a gradual increase in time of inhaling a certain smell, otherwise the desired combination of hormones will not be synthesized and we will not feel as happy as before.
No need to wash your hair every time
First we thoroughly wet the hair, then vigorously lather the applied shampoo, then rinse it until it is completely gone from the hair, and then repeat the same procedure with the balm. This is if you do not use, for example, a hair mask. Then it’s the turn of the scrub and shower gel. All of these substances – often of a completely opposite nature of action – are placed one after the other on the skin. If it is dry and sensitive, it is not surprising that after taking such procedures for a long time it will look and feel far from the most beautiful way.
It is quite enough to wash your hair once every three days – and the owners of dry hair and even less often. Those whose scalp is prone to greasiness and seborrhea – every other day at most. It is best to do it by bending forward and very gently pouring the hair in the direction of the back of the head, so that the hair wash and care products do not get on the body. Even better – but this is a more expensive and less comfortable way – to wash your hair in the salon with special professional cosmetics, so they will be much more attractive and healthy looking.
No need to rush to towel off
Vigorously rub the towel to redness of the skin is necessary only in one case – if you have the idea to get healthy by diving into an ice-hole in temperature minus twenty. Or if you just swam in an icy mountain lake in early spring. In all other cases there is absolutely no need to rush to dry off with a towel – remember the advice of a dermatologist. After turning off the water tap, you should stand for another two minutes in the tray or bathtub, waiting for the water jets to run down. After this it is best to lightly blot the skin with a towel – give preference to modern versions of fine microfiber.
Next you need to apply a nourishing moisturizer directly on wet skin – then the degree of its usefulness will increase many times over, especially for mature and fading skin and the delicate skin of small children. If you don’t want to waste time, it’s better to apply your lotion or cream and do something else while it’s absorbing.
For example, cut nails, brush teeth, apply your favorite face and neck creams, blow-dry or start styling hair if it has been washed. You can have time to use deodorant and apply a grooming product to your feet. Just in time for such manipulations cream will have time to absorb well and the skin – to dry enough to be able to put on a robe or any other home clothes without problems.
Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma is a fully or partially ionized gas. Plasma is formed when large amounts of energy are transferred to gases, causing electrons to bounce off their atoms. This energy can be so much that the plasma consists almost exclusively of charged particles and is called a high-temperature plasma. Examples of this type of plasma are the Sun, lightning, and fusion. Low-temperature plasma has a low degree of ionization (up to 1%), and it is an active participant in the latest research and development in medicine and cosmetology.
Why plasma?
Plasma is a very good conductor of electrical energy. Although it contains gas ions, the number of positive and negative charge carriers in a unit of its volume is almost the same. Therefore, it is a conditionally stable system, just like other forms of matter.
The first cosmetic devices using plasma technology were created as an alternative to laser rejuvenation – high-energy plasma treatment also leads to tissue ablation. It is known that the efficiency of laser procedures strongly depends on chromophore distribution in the skin. Plasma, unlike lasers, does not require chromophores in the skin. In addition, transmitted electrical energy provides uniform heating of tissues, without “explosive” vaporization. Compared with ablative lasers, plasma treatment leaves a necrotic layer of epidermis serving as a biological “dressing” and contributes to a short recovery period, while being superior to the effectiveness of non-ablative laser technologies.
Along with high-energy low-temperature plasma, low-energy plasma exposure has also found application in cosmetology, which does not cause thermal damage, but can give some heating, leads to the formation of reactive forms of oxygen, nitrogen and free radicals, as well as various types of radiation – from ultraviolet to infrared. These properties are now actively used to disinfect human skin and to treat and accelerate wound healing. In addition, cold plasma causes a temporary decrease in the barrier function of the stratum corneum and increases the permeability of the skin to drugs and cosmetics. If you want to know more about hardware plasma technologies – we recommend reading the article “Plasma technologies in cosmetology and dermatology: new opportunities and prospects for use” in the magazine “Cosmetics and Medicine” №1/2018. In a recent study by Iranian scientists there was another interesting result of the effect of nitrogen plasma – its effect on hair follicles.
Plasma technology causes rejuvenation and accelerates hair growth
In their work, experts studied the possibility of using a new pulsed nitrogen plasma in dermatology, evaluating histological changes in response to the application of plasma pulses of different energy on the skin of rats. Emphasis was placed on evaluation of the epidermis, fibroblasts, collagen fibers, and hair follicles. Although the plasma jet temperature ranged from 64 to 87°C (depending on exposure energy), the animals’ skin temperature did not increase significantly due to the pulse mode of the device, and was 39.6°C, 41.8°C and 43.2°C after treatment with 3, 4 and 4.5 J energy, respectively (it was 34.4°C before plasma application).
Fifteen healthy male Wistar rats (weight 220-300 g; age 4 months) were divided into three groups (5 rats in each group) depending on the applied energy settings: 3, 4, and 4.5 J for groups 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The hair on the back of each rat was shaved and two 1 × 2 cm squares were defined at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other. One square was used as a control (untreated skin), and plasma was applied to the other. Biopsies were performed to evaluate the effects – before treatment and 15 and 42 days after the initial plasma application.
The results showed that nitrogen plasma induced epidermal thickening, probably due to keratinocyte proliferation, although at lower energy settings this effect was temporary. The observed effect can be explained by the influence of reactive oxygen species and nitrogen on the levels of various cytokines and subsequent cell proliferation in the treated areas. Nitrogen plasma improves cutaneous microcirculation due to the vasodilatory effect of the generated NO without specific side effects. Thus, an increase in cutaneous blood flow can lead to an influx of inflammatory cells and subsequent production of various growth factors and cytokines, as well as stimulation of cell proliferation, including fibroblasts.
Increased proliferation of fibroblasts and activation of collagen synthesis were also detected. On day 15 after the treatment, the density of collagen fibers decreased in the treated areas compared to the control, which was more noticeable in groups 2 and 3, but on day 42 a significant increase in fiber density was observed in all three groups compared to the control. Since the animals’ skin temperature was below the threshold temperature of collagen contracture (65°), the authors attribute these positive effects not to thermal damage but to the stimulating effect of formed reactive oxygen and nitrogen forms.
A separate interesting finding is the effect of nitrogen plasma on the diameter of primary and secondary hair follicles, temporarily increasing their diameter on day 15 after treatment in groups 2 and 3. This may also be explained by the potential effects of reactive oxygen and nitrogen forms as potential signaling molecules involved in the regulation of hair follicle growth and activity, or perhaps by other, as yet unknown effects on hair follicle thickening stem cells or the dermal ridge.
Histopathological images of treated skin areas compared to controls for the three energy settings at different time points. The black arrows represent primary hair follicles and the black arrowheads represent secondary hair follicles.
Thus, the results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of low-temperature nitrogen plasma with respect to skin rejuvenation, and also revealed its new possible aspect – influence on hair follicles as a promising direction in the treatment of alopecia. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the effect of plasma on human hair follicles should be elucidated more precisely – human hair growth differs from other mammals, so additional molecular and clinical studies are needed to determine the mechanism of such effect of plasma.
The first sign that your hair needs protection and support, as well as vitamins to stimulate hair growth, is the beginning of abundant hair loss.
The most common causes of hair loss aree:
1. lack of protein in a person’s diet;
2. an increased level of testosterone;
3. exposure of the body to chronic stress;
4. lack of minerals and vitamins;
5. the presence of inflammation of the skin;
6. the occurrence of hormonal changes in the body after childbirth.
Unfortunately, these are not all causes of hair loss. There are a number of others, seeing that you can understand that it is time to start taking a drug that accelerates the growth of hair on the head:
1. Hair begins to severely tangle and bad combing, and even specialized nourishing, moisturizing balms and masks can not change the situation for the better.
2. your curls have lost their own shine and become matte.
3. The greasiness of hair has strongly increased, due to which you have to wash your hair very often. It is worth noting that, more often than not, an increased greasiness of the hair indicates that your sebaceous glands are disturbed.
4. Hair is almost impossible to style, even if you use special products for this purpose.
5. Hair began to split and became very brittle.
In case you have at least one of the above problems, then it’s time to act and start taking vitamins to stimulate hair growth. After all, vitamins can help you regain your hair beauty and health.
Vitamins for healthy hair growth
Vitamin preparations and complexes can help you improve the health and beauty of your hair, as well as saturate it with vitamins and trace elements. Further in this article we will tell you what vitamins are necessary for hair growth and health:
1. Vitamin A. Vitamin, A promotes rapid recovery of the skin and hair follicles, and prevents flaking.
2. Vitamin C. This vitamin increases the level of iron metabolism in the body, has a positive effect on the skin, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
3. Vitamin B5. After taking this vitamin in the body starts the process of repairing damaged and split hair. Also the richness of this vitamin in the human body reduces the risk of gray hair.
4. Vitamin B6. It helps to normalize the nervous system and is responsible for protecting the human body from stress. Also this vitamin has a positive effect on hair, scalp, and nail plates.
5. Biotin. Normalizes metabolism in the human body, as well as in the hair.
6. Zinc. Acts as a useful substance that promotes rapid absorption of vitamin A by the body.
7. Selenium. Increases the protection of the human body against stress.
8. Copper. Increases oxygen supply to cells, is responsible for strengthening blood vessels, and reduces the risk of graying.
9. Manganese. Increases the speed of lipid and oxygen metabolism in the body and speeds up the body’s production of melanin, which directly affects the color of the hair.
10. Inositol. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, increases the efficiency of the brain, and strengthens memory. Also, this substance helps to strengthen and moisturize hair, preventing its dryness and loss.
What vitamins to use for hair growth?
It is desirable that the necessary number of vitamins and minerals enter the human body during meals, but what to do when the time of avitaminosis comes? What vitamins should be taken to accelerate the growth of hair on the head during this period? Modern medicine offers consumers a large number of a variety of vitamins and vitamin complexes, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. Deciding to buy vitamins for the growth and protection of your own hair, it is worth understanding that they can be in tablets, capsules and injections. And each form of release has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
Vitamins in tablets
Vitamins for hair growth in tablets, as a rule, are whole vitamin complexes that combine several different substances. When buying a vitamin complex, you should keep in mind that not all vitamins are compatible with each other. And so, in order for your hair after taking vitamins in tablets to get the vitamins and trace elements they need, you should know the rules of compatibility:
1. Vitamin A is well matched with vitamin C and E.
2. Vitamin B2 has an excellent combination with vitamins B3, B6, B9, B3. It can also be combined with group H vitamins.
3. Vitamin B5 should be combined with ascorbic acid or B-group substances.
4. ascorbic acid combines perfectly with vitamins A, E, B5, B9.
5. B7 can be mixed with zinc, folic acid or E vitamins.
6. D is perfectly absorbed together with phosphorus and silylene.
7. E is excellent in combination with vitamin C, and is absorbed more quickly when combined with silenin.
8. Vitamin K should be combined with calcium or vitamin B6.
Vitamins and pills that accelerate hair growth: rules of taking
Pills and vitamin complexes designed for hair growth and support, like any medical drugs, have peculiarities of application. It is worth noting that these features may differ significantly in different vitamins for hair, but they also have a number of common rules:
1. It is best to use vitamins in tablets before dinner.
2. B vitamins, for better absorption by the body, should be taken in the evening or just before going to bed, so they will have on your body also a calming effect.
3. This will help you to obtain a higher level of absorption by the body in the evening or immediately afterwards, so that you can relax and recharge your batteries. The most common recommendation is to take one tablet in the morning and another in the evening.
4. You should not drink vitamins with tea, coffee, alcohol, or carbonated water. It is worth remembering that the best option for taking vitamins is plain water.
5. Vitamins for nail and hair growth should not be taken on an empty stomach. The best option for taking such vitamins is with a meal or immediately after it.
6. It is recommended to drink plenty of water while taking vitamins, because this will help maintain the correct balance of water-soluble vitamins in the body. If you do not drink enough water, it is possible that your body is hypervitaminosis.
7. The standard period of taking vitamin complexes is one month. In some cases, the intake of vitamins can be extended for three months, but it should be done under the supervision of a doctor.
Onion juice for hair helps to awaken dormant bulbs, strengthens the curls, makes them strong and shiny. But many of the women dislike this magic remedy for the unpleasant smell that remains after the procedure. I will teach you how to get rid of the onion aroma (it’s quite simple) and tell you what else the burning juice is good for your hair. Then we’ll make some masks together to strengthen the curls and you’ll choose the best one for yourself.
Useful properties
Onions are probably in everyone’s home, but not everyone knows that this vegetable can improve the condition of hair. Does an onion mask help against hair loss? Yes. Moreover, it can even be effective in treating baldness. What is the power of onion juice?
Onions have many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair:
phytoncides – have an antimicrobial effect, help in the fight against diseases of the scalp, with dandruff;
flavonoids – protect against negative influences, prevent hair thinning and hair loss (for more on how to prevent hair loss in women, read here);
proteins and amino acids – moisturize, restore the cuticle;
alkaloids – protect against negative effects, improve microcirculation;
essential oils – produce antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, increase microcirculation;
Onion juice acts on the principle of red pepper. It is a “burning” component, which irritates the skin and dilates blood vessels. Due to this increases the flow to the roots, there is a stimulation of hair growth. Masks with a tincture of red pepper can be seen
To evaluate the effectiveness of onion juice as a growth stimulant, a study was conducted in which men and women were required to apply it to the scalp twice a day. They found that after six weeks, 87% of the participants grew hair much faster.
The exact mechanism by which onion juice helps restore hair at the site of baldness is unclear, but it may have something to do with the sulfur and phenolic compounds it contains. These compounds are thought to irritate the scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth through a process called antigenic competition.
But accelerating growth is not the only beneficial property of onion juice. The benefits for hair are:
Strengthening the roots, preventing baldness;
restoration of hair structure;
destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, prevention of dandruff formation and the emergence of dermatological diseases;
protection from negative influences;
normalization of sebaceous glands;
improvement of metabolic processes and nutrition.
After regular use of masks with onion juice, hair becomes shiny, silky, elastic, dense, voluminous, thicker.
Gray hair is associated with high levels of hydrogen peroxide and low levels of catalase in the hair follicles. Increased concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can cause oxidative stress within the follicles, which can lead to graying hair .
Studies show that onions can exhibit fungicidal activity against major pathogenic groups such as Candida, Malassezia and dermatophytes, which are known to cause scalp and hair infections.
Girls, whatever product or home remedy you use externally for hair, it will be effective if the cause of the problem is improper care or external diseases of the scalp, but if the problem of hair loss, greasiness or dryness inside (thyroid disease, anemia, vitamin or mineral deficiency), then the masks will be effective as a supplement. The main thing is to find the cause, I wrote about the minimum package of tests that should be taken when you have hair problems to rule out the most common internal causes.
Even strongly recommend any problems with the hair before applying the mask to make self-massage of the scalp, it will relax the scalp, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, in addition, the skin will be ready to absorb more beneficial substances from the mask.
Possible harm
Onion juice irritates the skin. It is quite an aggressive component, so it can not be used if you are individually intolerant, if the skin is too sensitive, if there are lesions, as well as if it is very dry.
If you do not follow the rules of application and precautions, there may be side effects in the form of redness, burning, itching.
How to use
Onion juice can be used as part of masks or in pure form. However, the concentrate should be used with caution so as not to harm the hair.
The peculiarities of use in pure form:
1.Apply only to the scalp and roots, not to the entire length, otherwise you can dry out the hair.
2.Do not use more than once or twice a week. A full course can be up to 25-40 treatments.
How long do I keep it? It is desirable to wash off the concentrate after 30-40 minutes. Another important point, how to make onion juice. It is desirable to take a bulb larger and only fresh. To begin with, it should be finely chopped and then well kneaded with gloved hands, so that the juice is released. There is another way – pass it through a meat grinder or chop it in a blender. It is necessary to use not only the juice, but also the pulp.
How to remove the onion smell
Onion masks are not popular because of its pungent smell. Few people know that it is quite simple to remove. To this end, essential oil of ylang-ylang, lavender, rosemary, lemon, tea tree, in general, any essential oil will do. It must be added directly to the shampoo. It is better to make a mask for the night, and wash your hair in the morning with the addition of the oil.
There is another sure way to get rid of the bad smell. This is rinsing the hair with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Two tbsp. is enough for 1 liter of water. It is necessary to hold the hair in the solution at least 2-3 minutes. Such a rinse will not only get rid of the smell, but also give shine.
Top 7 hair masks
By choosing the right ingredients, you can get rid of various problems. The advantage of masks is not only in the functionality, but also in the less pungent onion aroma.
To strengthen
We offer a fairly simple recipe for hair loss. You will need the following ingredients:
Onion, carrot and lemon juice – 50 ml each;
castor and burdock oil – 1 tbsp;
warm water.
The mixture should be applied in two stages. First, rub the mass into the scalp for 5-7 minutes, then distribute it over the entire length. Leave it on the hair for 1-1,5 hours.
Onion and honey mask for strengthening
Onion juice and honey is enough to strengthen the follicles. If this is the main purpose of the mask, other ingredients such as oils are not needed.
To prepare the mush of one onion should be mixed with 1 tsp. of liquid honey. Wash off after an hour.
To restore damaged hair
If the curls are weakened and overdried by daily grooming procedures, it is worth preparing a mask based on the following ingredients:
Onion juice and kefir – 50 ml each;
honey – 1 tbsp.
It should be kept for an hour. You can use it every other day for two weeks.
To accelerate growth
This is a multicomponent vitamin mixture consisting of the following ingredients:
onion juice – 70 ml;
honey, castor oil and calendula tincture – 1 tbsp;
Wash off after 40 minutes.
To strengthen oily hair
kefir – 100 ml;
onion juice – 50 ml;
cognac or alcohol – 1 tbsp.
Wash the mixture off in an hour.
To moisturize and nourish
The mask is suitable for dry, thin and dull hair. You will need 2 tbsp. each of onion juice and coconut oil, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply the mixture for 40 minutes.
For shine and smoothness
You will need two ingredients, 3 tbsp. onion juice and 1.5 tbsp. olive oil. Apply the mixture for 2 h.
Already in 2-3 weeks the hair will become silky and shiny, the amount of dandruff will be noticeably reduced.
Onion juice for hair is an effective remedy for baldness. However, you need to understand that its effect is achieved by fighting pathogens and strengthening the roots. If hair loss is due to taking medications, hormonal disorders or other health problems, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and not to treat the consequences, then talking about the ineffectiveness of folk remedies.
As is known, the desire to make a haircut and grow hair to the waist perfectly coexist in a woman’s soul. And as soon as you make a choice in favor of one of them, the second immediately begins to prevail! If you are at that stage, when you want your hair to grow to the waist, then you will definitely need the tips from this article. We have selected only those recommendations that work without a hitch.
1. Diagnose
The first thing you need to do is determine your hair type and condition. Most people tend to characterize their hair type as “normal”-and many get screwed. Some people underestimate the problem (e.g., believing that split ends are a necessary evil rather than a result of over-dry hair), while others are simply unaware that there is a problem (e.g., unaware of certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies). In addition, the condition of the hair is affected by the condition of the scalp, which may also need treatment.
The easiest and most informative (and costly) would be to go to a trichologist, who will determine your hair type and perform a spectrum analysis. This test will visually demonstrate what microelements your hair is lacking and will cost you no less than 4-6 thousand rubles.
Even if you are not yet ready to go to a trichologist, it is important to understand what type of hair you have. Of course, if you have oily hair and you wash it with a shampoo for dry hair, nothing bad will happen, but the systematic use of inappropriate products can really hurt. In order to understand what type of hair you have, you should assess the following parameters: the shine along the entire length in the daylight, the condition of the ends, the speed of pollution (how often you wash your hair), the condition of the scalp (itching, tightness, dandruff).
Keep in mind that your scalp type and hair type can be different. For example, hair at the roots can quickly become greasy, indicating an oily scalp, while the ends will be dry, like a tumbleweed. In any case, shampoo should be chosen with your scalp type in mind, and balms and conditioners should be chosen with your hair type in mind.
2. Adjust your diet.
Even before you start taking active measures to stimulate hair growth, it’s worth reconsidering your diet. It can’t be a fast way: it may take a long time before your diet changes will have an impact on the condition and length of your locks, but as you know, your health has to come from within. This means that you should not skip this step in any case.
Micronutrients and foods that help accelerate hair growth:
Iron. If it is deficient, hair becomes dull, brittle, begins to fall out. Include red meat and rabbit meat, buckwheat, pomegranate, liver, spinach, green apples in your diet. A rosehip decoction would also be helpful.
Selenium. Lack of this trace element leads to dryness, dullness and stunted growth. Brazil nuts, pistachios, eggs, cottage cheese, and wholemeal bread are rich in selenium.
Silicon. Helps to produce elastin and collagen, which are critical for healthy hair. Rice, oats, chickpeas, wheat and semolina, and apricots are recommended.
Iodine. An important element that affects hair loss. However, its use is directly connected with the state of the thyroid gland. If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism and / or autoimmune thyroiditis, it is likely that iodine supplements are contraindicated to you (but do not forget that the consultation with an endocrinologist is always preferable to any articles on the Internet). Iodine-rich foods: seaweed, cranberries, prunes, white beans, strawberries, cod.
Copper. Its deficiency can cause thinning of hair and early graying. The following products are rich in copper: kidneys, liver, peanuts, hazelnuts, seafood, grains and beans, and cocoa.
If you do the spectral analysis that we talked about in the first point, it will be much easier for you to adjust your diet and choose special supplements.
3. Wash your hair as often as necessary.
How to grow hair: 12 tips that really work
On the Internet you can find advice to wash your hair less often, to “accustom” the hair to get dirty slower. Unfortunately, the sebum secretion of the scalp does not depend on our actions, but on a dozen internal factors. One of the most important among them is the hormonal balance. For example, many women who started taking combined oral contraceptives (OCs), have noticed how dramatically the oiliness of the scalp changes – sometimes for those who washed their hair every day, it becomes enough to wash it once a week. Of course, it is not very sensible to take OCs just to regulate sebum secretion, but this example clearly shows how much more important the inner workings of the process are than trying to ‘tame’ the scalp.
Advice to wash your hair less often is harmful in the first place, because sebum and sweat literally attract dirt and dust, hair and skin under them does not breathe. This can provoke inflammation, make hair dull, not to mention the fact that aesthetically dirty head attracts few people. So the verdict is this: wash your hair when you see it’s necessary. But do not go too far – to wash without a special need is also wrong.
4. Brush your hair the right way.
How to Grow Hair: 12 Tips That Really Work
On the Net, there’s another bizarre suggestion: avoid hair loss by combing more frequently. This myth is a result of the fact that when we comb our hair we always find that hair has fallen out on the comb, so it seems that it was combing that caused the hair loss. However, if you’ve chosen the right comb, if you comb carefully and gently, without pulling the hair or making harsh aggressive movements, you can by no means comb out extra hair. Trichologists do not recommend to refuse combing even in case of alopecia, i.e. increased pathological hair loss.
It is better to choose combs and combs made of wood or horn, smoothly processed, with non-sharp teeth. If you choose a brush, you should pay attention to the bristles: they should be firm enough, but not stiff, long, on a rubber base. A daily combing would stimulate blood circulation, improve nutrition of the roots. You should comb 3-5 times a day, alternating the smooth movements of a comb with stroking the hair with your free hand. If hair is wet, it would be better not to comb it at all, but to gently smooth out the locks with your hands at most. In addition, do not forget to regularly wash and clean the brushes.
5. Head massage
This procedure is not only useful for the hair, but also useful as a spa treatment for relaxation. A gentle massage can be done before you wash your hair, or you can use oils for this. It is sufficient to warm 1-2 tablespoons of any suitable oil (burdock, olive, coconut, jojoba), dip your fingertips and massage the skin on the head in a gentle circular motion for 15-20 minutes. Then you can leave the oil for half an hour as a mask and wash your hair as usual.
6. Natural Masks
The benefits of natural ingredients are undeniable, although the process of preparing masks takes time. We recommend to pay attention to recipes which include the following ingredients: egg yolks and whites, honey, bananas, yoghurt and aloe juice. Be careful with masks that include pepper and mustard. Yes, they cause a rush of blood to the scalp, which stimulates hair follicles, but they can also cause dry skin, irritation and even burns.
7. Hair Oils
Using oils is a little easier than regular home masks – they’re easy to mix and easy enough to apply. And the choice of useful oils for hair growth is very wide: olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, burdock oil, castor oil, avocado oil, pumpkin seed oil, grape seed oil. In addition, you can add a few drops of essential oils such as lavender or peppermint to the mix of oils. You can increase the effect by using a hair dryer: apply the oil to your hair, put on a shower cap, wrap a towel on top and heat with a hair dryer.
8. Give your hair a rest.
This means that you should reduce or cancel all procedures that are destructive to the structure of the hair: blow drying, using irons and curling irons, coloring, bleaching, extensions. It also includes tight hairstyles, bunches and ponytails. In addition, it is worth to refuse to use dry shampoos – they accumulate on the scalp, not allowing it to breathe.
9. Protect your hair from the sun and frost
We tend to underestimate how much damage the external environment can do to our hair. It is in your power to minimize the damage – in summer it is worth to use sunscreens and, for example, to hide your hair under a scarf or a hat at the beach, and in winter colds be sure to hide the ends of your hair under outerwear or scarves.
10. Maintain water balance
Hydration balance is one of the most important components of hair health. While it’s easy to drink water, it’s something we tend to neglect. If you consistently forget to drink your daily quota (about eight glasses of clean drinking water), try pouring it into small bottles and placing them around the house. They will constantly be in sight, and you will clearly see how much you have already drank. If you work outside the home, the principle is about the same – just keep the bottle in plain sight (for example, by your work computer).
11. Trimming the tips.
Many hairdressers advise to trim the ends of hair on 1-2 cm every 2-3 months. This is indeed a useful procedure, but it alone does not increase the rate of hair growth. Moreover, some women are faced with the fact that hair grows very slowly, and they have to cut exactly what has had time to grow. As a result, you don’t see any progress, and you’re convinced that you just can’t grow your hair back. If you recognize yourself in this description, first of all, make sure that your ends are healthy (you will need to give them extra care, moisture and protection), second, apply all the other tips from our article (they will accelerate growth and improve the condition of the ends, so they will remain longer groomed) and, third, look for the frequency of trimming, which will suit you. If you do it a little less frequently than recommended, there’s no harm done.
12. A healthy lifestyle and a minimum of stress
Sounds like universal advice for all occasions, and it really is. But if you want to grow beautiful long hair, it should be taken seriously. Scientists have found that prolonged severe stress and up to 70% (!) of hair stops growing and gradually falls out. Do not panic – you should not part with your hair overnight, because the process of hair loss lasts for months and may seem intensified, but not radical. However, after such shaking the hair will not remember any healthy growth for a long time, it will have to recover, and only after 5-6 months it will return to its original state.
Since childhood, many mothers have been told that it is correct to style the hair, and even more so to dry it, not with a hair dryer, but the natural way, because the hot air of the hair dryer can easily damage them. However, this in no way means that you can go to bed with a wet head with a calm heart. After all, in sleep a person involuntarily turns on the pillow, thereby creating a lot of friction, which leads to thinning and, consequently, to hair breakage.
In order not to damage wet hair, after washing your hair it is worthwhile to wrap it in a towel for 10-15 minutes and let the moisture soak in. Blot and do not rub the hair too hard, it will make it break. Then it is recommended to use a special hair product (balm or spray), which will give a silky feel. Wait another 10 minutes, and then comb your hair, but not with a fluffy comb, because it traumatizes the hair, and a comb with large, sparse teeth. Do not collect wet hair with an elastic band or pins, just allow them to dry on their own. To make the styling last longer, you can use a fixing spray, and to create a more spectacular volume at the roots, try to apply a special powder.
How to properly dry and style your hair with a hair dryer?
It often happens that there is not enough time and patience for a natural drying. Then drying and styling with a hair dryer is definitely your option. It is fast, effective and convenient. Also the hair dryer will help to give the hair volume and make your styling special. To be satisfied with the result, it is important to follow a few simple rules on how to blow-dry your hair at home:
Try to keep a distance of at least 15 cm between the blow dryer and your hair;
Prepare your hair for styling with enough hot air: dry your hair naturally;
Leave the ends slightly damp to prevent hair from splitting and tending to breakage;
Also use diffuser attachments or concentrators, they allow you to keep your hair neat;
Use a comb to create a beautiful hairstyle.
You will often need to blow-dry your hair to create volume at the roots. Begin by combing your hair with a comb with large, sparse teeth. Then lightly dry the strands of hair along the entire length of the hair, so they do not tangle later. Then bend your head down and blow-dry hair at the roots, while helping to create more volume with a comb or your fingers. It is a good idea to put some hairspray on your hair. Everything is quite simple, so you can easily make a beautiful styling, even without leaving the house.
How to properly style short hair?
In general, the recommendations for drying and styling hair of different lengths are the same. However, there are still nuances.
How to properly style short hair with a hair dryer?
It is necessary to dry short hair starting from the crown, moving to the temples and the back of the head, at the same time curling strands on a round comb (brushing) or raise the hands. If you have bangs, first curl them on the brush and only then dry them with a hair dryer.
How to style medium length hair correctly?
There is no secret in how to properly style medium hair, and many of the rules for drying long hair also applies to medium length. You should additionally divide the hair into small strands with a comb, and then pull each strand up and curl it on a comb-brusher. It is worth remembering that in this case the curls should be dried only with warm, not hot air, at medium speed. To keep the styling longer, you can fix it with varnish or hair dryer with a mode of cold air.
How to properly style long hair?
In a similar way, you can easily style and long hair. Be sure to separate the hair into strands, trying not to take too much and too thin. Pull each of them up and curl on the brush. In the same way as with medium hair, do not use hot air, but only warm air. Start at the roots and move to the ends. Blow-dry the curl with a hair dryer at medium speed, unwinding it little by little.
Styling products and tips
If you know how to properly style your hair with a hair dryer, the shine and volume will please you every day. Make no mistakes:
Hold your hair dryer correctly (dry from the roots to the ends and hold the hair dryer at an acute angle);
Use a diffuser nozzle;
Use a heat protectant;
Gradually turn down the temperature so as not to dry the hair too much;
Finish with a cold air dryer;
Do not abuse styling products, so your hair won’t stick together and need to be washed every day, and it will stay nice and healthy;
Choose a hold based solely on your hair type. For example, if your hair is thin and weak, then the hold should be weak. If your hair is strong and sturdy, then choose a strong hold;
Use a comb with rounded teeth so that your hair does not break.
You’ll need more than just a comb and blow dryer to style your hair and give it long-lasting volume.
To achieve extra volume for thin hair, you can use a spray. It is also a great way to give your hair the desired shape. When spraying the varnish, keep the bottle not closer than 25 cm from the hair, covering your eyes and forehead with the palm of your hand. Attention, the spray makes the hair stiff, so it is not recommended to use it often.
The mousse or foam for hair modeling will highlight your curls, add shine and volume to your strands. It is a multi-effect product. It all depends on your wishes.
The gel helps to arrange and securely fix hair. Apply it with your fingers to give your hair the desired shape. Pay attention to the fixation indicator, which is usually listed on the package. If the degree of fixation is maximum, then your hair can be “fixed by default.
There is also a wax that gives the strands flexibility and shine, but does not fix them. However, you can mix your own wax with a small amount of special locking gel. You can also just buy a gel wax or spray wax.
Folk tips
If you’re a supporter of healthy living and environmental cleanliness, can’t stand the smell of nail polish or prefer to do without chemicals if possible, you can always turn to folk tips and recipes.
Gel for styling, creating volume
Flax seeds – 1 cup;
Water – 3 cups.
Pour water into an enamel or glass pan and bring it to a boil. Carefully and slowly stirring, pour the seeds of flax in the boiling water, slowly reduce the heat. For 10-20 minutes simmer on a low heat, stirring, until you get a lotion with a jelly-like consistency. Strain the resulting product through a gauze rolled in several layers or a sieve and pour into a glass jar. The consistency will turn out as an ordinary shampoo.
Application: Pour a little gel on your palms, rub it into the hair, distribute the substance over its entire length with a comb or comb. This gel perfectly holds the styling, and it costs a penny.
Sugar spray
Sugar – 1 spoon (tablespoon);
Water heated to a comfortable temperature – 8 spoons.
We dissolve the sugar in warm water, stirring continuously. Pour the liquid into an atomizer, apply before or after styling.
Hair styling with lemon
Lemon – 1 piece;
Water – 1 cup;
Alcohol – 1 teaspoon.
Be careful:
The very low acidity of lemon juice makes its use in its pure undiluted form harmful to hair. If you use lemon without additives, you may encounter problems such as dry hair and scalp. Lemon juice in its natural form turns into a powder when it dries on the hair, thereby clogging the micro-cracks of the hair and making it dry and stiff.
Cut the lemon into small pieces and pour water over it. Bring to the boil and leave on low heat. Cover with the lid and simmer until the contents have reduced by half. Cool, drain, and strain if necessary. For preservation, add alcohol. Pour into a dispenser bottle. Apply before drying hair.
The health of hair, nails and skin is affected by poor ecology, unbalanced diet and the rhythmic pace of life in which we have to live. Often the beauty of hair is affected by the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. In order to replenish them and give your hair a new life, you need to take vitamin complexes that contain all the useful substances. You can buy supplements at the pharmacy, but to select the appropriate vitamins for hair and calculate the correct dosage will only help your doctor.
What vitamins are needed to grow hair, nails and improve skin condition?
Vitamin A eliminates dandruff and hair loss, prevents early aging of the skin, makes hair more elastic. Vitamin E improves the structure of the nails and hair, normalizes blood circulation, which stimulates the active nutrition of the hair follicles. Vitamin PP stimulates hair growth. B vitamins deserve special attention.
B2 – provides normal nutrition of the hair shaft, prevents splitting of the ends.
B7 or biotin – a source of sulfur, which is involved in collagen production, fights hair loss and eczema;
B9 or folic acid – stimulates the formation of new cells, speeds up metabolism, and normalizes vascular function;
B12 – makes curls shiny and thick.
When should I take vitamins for my hair, nails and skin?
nails begin to peel, turn yellow, and often break;
nail plates turn bluish;
cross streaks or white spots appear on the nails;
dry, flaky, reddened skin;
the first signs of skin aging appear: facial or neck wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven
enlarged pores;
spider veins on the skin;
hair loss;
hair becomes over-saturated, brittle, dull;
dandruff and dry scalp.
When is taking vitamins contraindicated?
Non-absorption of individual components of the drug by the body;
Increased functioning of the thyroid gland;
Hormonal disorders;
Pregnancy or breastfeeding. In this case, you can not take several drugs with a similar composition. For women in this period, special complexes of drugs have been developed.
What causes affect the poor condition of the skin, hair and nails?
Polluted environment;
Lack of a healthy lifestyle – the use of fatty, excessively salty and fried food, alcoholic beverages, smoking, low mobility and lack of exercise;
Stress, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, and lack of established routines for work and rest;
Direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
Reduced function of the endocrine glands;
Hormonal change, which is especially common in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause;
Lack of protein, which is the building material for cells in the human body.
What vitamins to take for hair loss?
Hair loss is a frequent problem in a person who lacks vitamins. Especially men often suffer from baldness. The most essential vitamin against hair loss is biotin, which we have already mentioned above. It allows sulfur to be absorbed faster in the body and normalizes the condition of the hair. The vitamin also helps in the fight against dandruff and scalp flaking. Vitamin E strengthens the hair, and vitamin C gives it elasticity.
Nicotinic acid normalizes metabolism, speeds up blood circulation in the vessels, allowing hair follicles to receive more nutrients and grow faster. The vitamin for hair not only helps with hair loss, but is also suitable for the prevention of the problem.
What doctor should I go to?
Vitamins and vitamin complexes for hair strengthening should be prescribed by your doctor after he or she has conducted an examination and has seen the results of your tests. Lab tests will be able to show exactly which vitamins you lack in order to maintain a healthy body. Initially, you can go to a general practitioner. He will refer you to a specialist if necessary. Hair and scalp problems are dealt with by a trichologist. In some cases, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, neurologist, dermatologist, nutritionist. A specialist will determine what vitamins are needed for the hair and can calculate their required dosage.
How to choose the right vitamins?
Choose vitamin complexes containing trace elements such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron. Do not give preference to vitamins that contain fragrances and dyes to protect yourself from allergies.
There are vitamins for hair, nails and skin in different forms: capsules, tablets, ampoules. Capsules are easy to swallow, they are gently absorbed by the body, tablets contain many useful elements, solutions in ampoules are used for injections or masks, quickly delivering the active substance directly to the dermis (for hair and skin).
Amino acids for hair: 6 main + 4 recommendations on intake.
In order to make your hair happy with its beauty and health, it needs a complete care, including quality cosmetics, protection from the negative effects of the environment, and most importantly – a full supply of useful substances. And today we will talk about amino acids for hair.
6 amino acids for hair: what amino acids and why amino acids?
Healthy hair requires the production of two substances in the body – more keratin and less collagen.
So, hair is 87% keratin, and in order for it to be produced in the body, you need 16 amino acids, but the main ones are:
cysteine (referred to as L-Cysteine);
arginine (or L-Arginin);
lysine (referred to as L-Lysine);
methionine (also called L- Methionine).
Four amino acids also play “major roles” in collagen production:
Glycine (called L-Glycine on labels);
proline (called L-Proline);
methionine (or L- Methionine);
Lysine (or L-Lysine).
As you can see, these two lists overlap in many ways. Moreover, methionine and lysine are essential, meaning they must come from food, but the others can be synthesized by the body. But their shortage also will not add beauty to the curls.
Amino acid #1. Arginine (L-Arginin).
Arginine is arguably the most important amino acid for the health of your hair. Arginine is the most important amino acid in the health of your hair, because it helps to produce nitric oxide. This chemical compound is very important for blood circulation. With active blood circulation, the roots of the hair get enough nutrients, oxygen, and therefore the curls become strong and grow fast.
Although the body is able to produce arginine on its own, under stress, severe illness, irrational nutrition and other “problems” can be a lack of it and as a consequence – hair loss.
In such cases, the doctor prescribes arginine in the form of capsules, powder, pills. To help the hair should also include in the diet products that are rich in this amino acid:
cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products;
lamb and beef;
sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds;
Amino acid #2. Cysteine (L-Cysteine).
Cysteine makes up about 25% of keratin. And there it is far from idle: first, it is “included” in the production of a strong antioxidant – glutathione, which means that it protects the hair from premature aging and the appearance of gray, and secondly, it saturates the hair with sulfur. This element makes the strands stronger. Their structure also improves.
You can replenish the body’s supply of cysteine by eating:
pork meat;
all legumes;
whole-grain flour products.
Amino acid #3. Methionine (L- Methionine).
Methionine is another important component of keratin and is also involved in the production of procollagen, which is then converted into collagen.
Like the amino acids listed above, methionine activates blood circulation in the scalp and slows down oxidative processes in the body, fighting aging.
Since methionine is not produced in the human body, we must get it from food, namely:
cottage cheese and cheese;
nuts, etc.
Amino acid #4. Lysine (L-Lysine).
Lysine does not herd back among the amino acids: it activates the body’s production of collagen and accelerates the repair of damaged hair. In addition, it promotes the formation of healthy hair follicles.
Scientific studies have proven that taking lysine (which can only be obtained from food or special preparations) reduces hair loss.
Spirulina is an excellent source of lysine, and it is also found in meats, seafood, and fish.
Amino Acid #5. Glycine (L-Glycine).
Glycine is not only involved in digestion and regulation of the nervous system to keep us balanced, but also in the production of collagen. And without it, you can’t have beautiful skin or beautiful hair, alas.
The body produces this amino acid itself and also gets it from protein products (meat and milk), cabbage, spinach, bananas, etc.
Amino acid #6. Proline (L-Proline).
Proline is involved not only in the production of collagen, but also cartilage and muscle. This means that a sufficient amount of it will ensure beautiful hair and a strong, trim figure.
The main suppliers of proline are:
meat and dairy products;
4 tips for taking amino acids for hair: shine bright!
Have I convinced you of the indispensability of amino acids for healthy hair? Great! Manufacturers produce them both individually and already ready-made complexes, for example.
My neighbor Eugenia is very satisfied with taking amino acids:
“I absolutely do not regret spending money for a consultation with a doctor and buying an amino acid complex. Not only my hair looks better, but so does my skin and nails,” says Evgenia.
And to make sure that buying these drugs is not a waste of money for you as well, read the recommendations for their use:
As a rule, take one tablet or one capsule of amino acids per day. Read the directions carefully!
Usually for prevention amino acids are taken for three months daily, and then take a break for 1-3 months and the course can be repeated.
The length of the break depends on your diet, hair condition and other factors. Be patient and get the hair of your dreams!
If there are already pronounced problems with hair, and the doses and duration of intake of amino acids can be increased by 3-5 times! But then you need a doctor’s consultation.
With serious hair problems should not self-medicate, including taking amino acids
Cysteine and meteonine are recommended by specialists to be taken in combination with zinc preparations. This way, they are better absorbed. Ask your trichologist about this.
Among the advantages of ready-made complexes of amino acids experts say a balanced composition, convenient form release and a wide range of products, but they say: taking such supplements is best supplemented with vitamins.
If you follow these simple recommendations, amino acids for hair will bring excellent results: your locks will be healthy, strong and shiny, and your mood – wonderful.