herbs for hair

Medicinal herbs for hair

A real jewel – healthy and shiny hair, with the help of which you can create an image, maintain the image, to impress, to captivate the chosen one. Putting your hair in order is a time-consuming process.

Hair grows back, but very slowly. So how to save hair from falling out, to speed up its growth, to make it shiny and silky? The knowledge of wise herbalists can help.

Vitamins and herbs for hair

Phytotherapy – translated from the ancient Greek – treatment with plants. The treatment is based on a variety of herbal preparations, mono-component and complex. Herbal therapy is carried out by uncomplicated manipulations with the plant.

It is used in fresh or dried form, preparing infusions, extracts, oils and decoctions.

Herbal medicine takes its rightful place next to pharmacological treatment, thanks to the results achieved and availability.

Many plants contain active active ingredients useful for treating certain diseases, a bright bouquet of aromatic oils, alkaloids (for protection against insects, animals and microorganisms).

Some medicinal plants are also spices.

The advantages of using herbs for hair:

  • natural origin;
  • 100% natural composition;
  • cheapness;
  • availability;
  • ease of preparation and application;
  • positive impact on the body as a whole (strengthen the immune system, activate metabolism).

Various parts of plants have medicinal properties: stems, leaves, flowers, buds, roots, fruits. Less often there are specimens that are therapeutic from the roots to the top.

Phytotherapy for hair today is a symbiosis of centuries of accumulated experience of herbalists and scientific explanation of the effect of plants on the human body.

Herbal hair rinses

Each plant is a unique representative of the flora with its own set of vitamins and minerals.

To choose the right base ingredient of the infusion or mask, it is necessary to take into account the type of hair, the color of the locks and the result that needs to be achieved.

For rinsing herbs prepare infusions and decoctions. In addition, medicinal plants are used in compresses, poultices, mix them with mineral compositions, beer, wine, animal components and other plants.

Decoction is a vegetable component is heated in water for 20-40 minutes over low heat. It is prepared immediately before use. Storage does not make sense, because the useful substances are unstable and rapidly degraded.

More than 40 minutes of broth should not be heated for the same reason. Typically, decoctions are prepared to rinse hair immediately after washing. As a basis take 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials and 1 liter of water.

Infusion is prepared differently. The base component (medicinal raw materials) is poured boiling water and infused for some time. This method is more gentle, preserves a large number of vitamins and minerals.

It is used in a warm form for masks and compresses. The proportions of the main components are the same as in the preparation of decoction.

Tincture – the fastest and most gentle way to preserve the maximum amount of active medicinal substances in a liquid solution. A mixture of alcohol (vodka) and raw materials insist up to 10 days.

Ways to use

Rinsing with herbal decoctions are usually carried out immediately after rinsing shampoo. The filtered infusion is applied to the hair, let run out of excess moisture and dry.

It is desirable not to use a hair dryer, otherwise the entire healing effect can be reduced to zero.

Most often used herbal mixtures of two or more components. Infusions or decoctions of a single plant are used less frequently.

The combination of several ingredients adds to the mixture of useful substances and has a complex effect.

Principle of action

In order not to harm your own beauty, before starting phytotherapy for hair, you need to:

  • Accurately determine the problem that you will solve with the help of medicinal herbs;
  • Carefully study the list of plants that help to combat the problem;
  • Consult traditional medicine to find out if there is an allergy to the herb, to get additional recommendations.

Allergy test can be done by yourself. Prepare a decoction or infusion. Apply a small amount to the skin and hold for 5 minutes. If everything is all right, your well-being remains the same, no unpleasant symptoms appeared, you can safely use the herb for hair care.

Herbal overview

Contrary to the enticing and eloquent advertising, the consumer prefers to use natural herbs in hair care. Each of them has a special spectrum of influence. Consider just a few of them.


It contains huge amounts of vitamin C, as well as A, B, E, K. With nettle decoctions faster goes the healing process of small wounds, enhances hair growth.

Because of the included sulfur cures dandruff, relieves itching, the water balance comes back to normal. Natural antiseptics have a protective effect.

As a result, nettle has a restorative, healing and nourishing effect.

Burdock or burdock

The plant contains a lot of essential oils, vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and proteins. Prepared infusion burdock strengthens weakened hair follicles, effectively fights with their dying away and hair loss.

Active substances are able to penetrate deep into the dermis, have a nourishing and regenerating effect on the roots, prevent hair loss at any stage of alopecia, revive and enhance hair growth.

Young mothers are included in the battle for beautiful hair, when they use burdock oil to soften the crusts on the head of the baby, to then remove them with a comb. The oil makes this cosmetic procedure painless, while providing intense vitamin nourishment to baby’s skin.

herbs for hair


White root, sharp and tart to the taste due to the large amount of mustard oil, is also used in cosmetology. The active component of the grated rhizome is rich in trace elements, vitamins and natural phytoncides.

Lysozyme, which is part of horseradish, is famous for its antiparasitic and antimicrobial action. With such a natural weapon, there is every chance to get rid of fungus, seborrhea and herpes manifestations.


The yellow companion of spring is full of vitamins E and B group, antioxidants and carboxylic acids.

After using mixtures with dandelion as a base component, hair becomes thicker, hair growth increases, dry hair gets extra hydration.

Hop cones

The composition of this plant is priced by the fact that the bouquet of vitamins, alkaloids, hormones and acids included in it has a beneficial effect on the walls of large and small vessels.

After regular use, the hair becomes healthy and acquires a peculiar shade.


An interesting plant, whose leaves look like soft needles, is famous for its similarity to shampoo. When you mix the herb with water, you get a solution very similar to soap. Such a natural composition breaks down and washes grease and impurities from the hair, penetrating deeply into the structure, but without damaging it.

Horsetail is considered a natural antioxidant and is also used as an antiseptic. Horsetail application in procedures for the hair will awaken dormant bulbs, restores damaged cells and stimulates their vitality. Horsetail owes this effect to the polyenic acids it contains.


Thanks to the huge list of substances contained in calendula (carotenoids, coumarins, triterpenoids and flavonoids), it has a beneficial effect on damaged curls, accelerates hair growth and helps to cure dandruff.

In addition, the active ingredients protect the hair from the damaging effects of UV rays, nourish the hair from the inside and help it maintain vitality longer.


This inconspicuous flower is prodigious for its nutrients, vitamins and natural oils.

The dyes in the heart of the flower give blonde hair a golden glow and a fresh look. After rinsing with chamomile, hair growth is greatly accelerated.

herbs for hair

Herbs for hair growth

To accelerate growth, strengthen the hair stem and bulb can be used with decoctions and infusions based on nettle, chamomile, calendula, burdock (burdock), hop cones, calamus, succession.

Herbal decoctions for hair loss

Alopecia, in small or total manifestations occurs in both men and women.

It is unpleasant to lose your hair, so decoctions and infusions of nettle, burdock (burdock), hop cones, dandelion, horsetail, mother and stepmother, lily of the valley are used to prevent complete “flying off” curls.

In the herbal treatment use the means of a single medicinal plant and collections of herbs.

Herbalists advise washing the head with decoctions of knotweed, borage and shepherd’s purse to stimulate hair growth.

Herbal infusions for dandruff

Get rid of white flakes will help nettle, calendula, sage and mint. Together or separately, they will normalize sebaceous glands activity and soothe itching. Curls will look better and stay clean for a long time.

Herbs to strengthen hair

Nettle, horsetail, mother and stepmother, hops, laurel – with their help you can strengthen the bulbs, restore the structure of the hair along the entire length of the curls. St. John’s wort, among other things, will have an antiseptic effect, and mother-and-bloodwort will also make the combing painless.

Herbs for oily hair

Reduce sebum, normalize the sebaceous glands with burdock (burdock), sage, lavender, nettle, birch earrings and calendula. They reduce the secretion of sebum.

With regular use of these simple herbs, oily hair will stay clean and fresh longer.

Green tea, rowan berries, oak bark, plantain leaves – the list of herbs for oily hair can go on and on. It remains only to decide on the choice. Preparation of decoction and rinsing takes some time, but “the sheepskin is worth the work”.

Herbs for dry hair

Dry hair upsets its owners with excessive brittleness, lack of vitality, unhealthy appearance.

With the help of nettle, dandelion, aloe, birch leaves, chamomile, sage, St. John’s wort, calamus root, melissa this problem can be successfully solved.

The herbs will supply the hair roots with additional nutrition and moisture, the hair will look much more beautiful, will gain a healthy look and shine.

Oregano, linden blossoms, thyme before flowering complement the arsenal of care products for dry hair.

The action of these herbs does not damage the hair, has a gentle effect, strengthen and improve the appearance.

Rules and peculiarities of application

When selecting medicinal plants for hair, you need to take into account the type of hair and its natural color. It is known that decoctions and infusions of some herbs give the hair a peculiar shade.

To maintain the natural color and ennoble it blondes should pay attention to rosemary, chamomile, linden, birch, and dandelion.

Brunettes will appreciate rinses of hops, St. John’s wort, calendula, mint, lavender and nettle.

Phytotherapy for hair should be used in dosage. The procedures are recommended no more than 2-3 times a week for courses of 10 procedures. Then within a month you need to give your hair a rest.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions

Tinctures and decoctions are made from a single component, as well as from a collection of several medicinal herbs. The combination of several therapeutic products enhances and complements the effect of each other.

Nettle Decoction

Raw nettle (80 g of dry herbs or 250 g fresh-cut) pour 500 ml of hot water, heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, remove from the heat and insist half an hour.

In the resulting concentrate is added another 1.5 liters of warm water and rinse your head.

Decoction of rosemary

Crush the fresh herb, it is enough to take 5 g.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water into a container with rosemary and heat for 15 minutes.

Then cool the decoction and strain. Warm liquid rinses the hair immediately after washing to get rid of dandruff.

Nettle infusion with coltsfoot

Take 2 tablespoons of dry raw material of each herb, immerse them in a liter of boiling water, cover and put in a dark place for 3 hours. The finished infusion is strained and rubbed into the hair roots. It is used with the abundant appearance of white flakes of seborrhea and pronounced skin itching.

Worthy substitute for the mother-oil can be St. John’s wort, plantain, burdock root or mint. Such an infusion can wash your hair 3 times a week.

herbs for hair

Decoction of chamomile

To get rid of dandruff, prepare a decoction of chamomile. To do this, take 100 grams of dried material per liter of boiling water, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The finished broth is allowed to cool and use 2-3 times a week for 60 days. Then you need to take a break for 3 months and repeat the course.

Decoction of succession

The pollen of this magical herb was used by our grandmothers, so that the skin of infants is not covered with sweat. Use a succession herb is recommended for people with sensitive skin.

2 Tbsp. fresh or dried grass succession poured 1 liter of boiling water and heated for 30 minutes. Removed from the heat, put the lid on and “forget” about for an hour. Then strain the decoction and use.

Infusion of dandelion

For an infusion of sun dandelion take 300 grams of flowers and 1 liter of boiling water. Flowers are placed in a large container with a lid or thermos, pour water, cover tightly and leave for half an hour.

Cooled infusion rubbed into the root of the hair, wrap your head, hold for 60 minutes. Infusion does not need to be washed out. This recipe is suitable for frequent use and can be used with any type of hair.

Decoction of hop cones

A glass of hop cones should be crushed, it is better to do it with a blender. Pour a glass of boiling water and boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Then take off the heat and infuse for 2 hours. Use instead of a rinse.

Burdock decoction

The natural power of burdock will energize your hair and accelerate its growth. Pour a liter of boiling water over ” tablespoons of crushed roots of the plant and infuse a quarter of an hour. The resulting cool solution washed hair.

Infusion of a collection of herbs

Help strengthen the hair and stop hair loss will help infusion of herbs: nettle, mother and stepmother, calamus root, oak bark and burdock, taken by 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the dry mixture and insist 2 hours. Then, after shampooing hair, rinse it with the infusion.

Recipes for masks

In addition to rinsing to strengthen and nourish the hair, therapeutic masks are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and additional ingredients.

From horseradish juice and lemon

Mix 30 grams of crushed horseradish root with honey and lemon juice (1 tbsp. each).

The components are mixed until homogeneous and applied to damp hair.

Hold for 1 hour, then rinse. The active components of horseradish awaken dormant bulbs and stimulate hair growth.

From calendula and burdock oil

Nourishing mixture for the hair is prepared from calendula flowers and burdock oil (2 tbsp. each) mixed with 2 yolks and whipped.

The mixture is applied to the hair shaft, covered with a terry towel and left for 40 minutes. Rinse off afterwards.

A course of 12 procedures (2 per week) will be excellent nutrition for the hair follicles and will significantly accelerate hair growth.

Burdock and onion mask

Burdock root wash, grate on a grater. 2 tablespoons of burdock pour a glass of boiling water and return to the fire for 10 minutes. In this time you need to peel and grate onions, squeeze 1 tbsp juice. In the warm decoction add onion juice and 1 tsp. vodka, apply to the hair.

Head should be covered and do not wash off the mask for half an hour. Then rinse your head in the usual way.

herbs for hair

Mask of bread and herbal decoctions

Soak 200 grams of dried rye bread in 1 liter of ready-made broth from a collection of nettle, chamomile and burdock (60 grams of grass is enough).

The resulting mixture is left for 24 hours, then filtered, applied to the head, wrap it with a towel and keep from 30 minutes to an hour.

After such a nourishing mask curls should be washed in the usual way. This recipe can be used 2-3 times a week for a month.

Professional analogues

On the shelves of stores there are many ready-made remedies. Manufacturers assure that their composition includes useful herbal ingredients and exactly in the amount that the hair needs.

Industrial analogues to the medical infusions and masks have a number of significant disadvantages. They are prepared in large quantities, with chemical stabilizers, are expensive and require regular and prolonged use.

The effect of use

To achieve stunning hair beauty, you will have to spend a lot of time on phytotherapy. Of course, to achieve the same result with the help of medicines will be faster. However, the effect of using herbs lasts much longer.

Also, herbs have a general healing effect on the body gently and unobtrusively. Unwanted consequences from the use are quite rare. Medicines, on the other hand, are more pinpointed.

Each chemical agent has a number of contraindications and adverse reactions, sometimes the doctor has to choose between the benefits and the risk of getting complications when prescribing medicine. In the case of herbs it is hardly possible.

The key to the success of phytotherapy is its long-term use. The advantage is that the human body does not develop addiction to the plant components, which can not be said about chemical drugs.

The use in home cosmetology of decoctions and infusions for hair from medicinal herbs will allow:

  • Accelerate hair growth;
  • Cure dandruff;
  • Strengthen the roots, to slow down and stop hair loss;
  • Strengthen the metabolic processes in the scalp;
  • Give your hair a healthy shine and silky.